How To Clean Golf Grips? What to Use for Cleaning?

Last Updated on December 31, 2022 by Kristen Ellis

Try to maintain and clean golf grips regularly because it keeps them safe and makes them last longer. It will save you money on changing unnecessary grip. Cleaning your grips will also help you play and win most games. All senior golfers’ grips are as necessary as their other equipment. Maybe you do not understand how much your grip consistency affects your game, so you don’t think of how to clean golf grips. Let’s explore this topic further.

How to clean golf grips

Tour players pay special attention to their grips, while regular golfers ignore and neglect them. Grips get covered by the standard black color that has not been washed or taken care of; golf club grip becomes even more challenging. Cleaning the golf club’s grip is more convenient because this process can be completed in several ways.

The different weather also affects the life of the golf grip. Grips can become tacky and must be washed regularly in higher-humidity climates. On the other hand, as the air is drier in the cold season, the older grip will get stiff. If the grips become too dry, you can use a good quality conditioner. 

Generally, the dirt and other elements directly target the golf club grips. If your grips have a lot of dust and dirt, you must clean them and make them brand-new products. Let’s look at the best ways to clean the golf grips.

When do you need to clean the Golf grips?

The cleaning span depends on the style of grip, when you play, and where you play. Some grips need more cleaning because of their material. If you play every day, you need more cleaning, or if you play only one day a week, you should use wipes. 

Related Post: Best Golf Grips for Humid Weather

Best Ways to Clean Golf Grips

Golf clubs are expensive investments because many golfers pay $750 or more. Most golf clubs have a rubber grip. People usually choose to use the rubber grip because it is safe and works better. The best way to clean the grips is to use wipes regularly or wash them with water and soap occasionally. To keep it lasting longer, you should wear gloves.

However, most golfers do not think about this problem because they are busy. The only way to increase its life is to clean it after every shot. Your clubs last ten years or more if your grip is safe from dirt and grime. Following are some best ways to clean the golf club grips.

Cleaning Golf Grip Wipes

Grip cleaning wipes are specially designed for the cleaning of golf club grips. It is the easiest cleaning method without using water and liquid soaps. Grip wipes are not such expensive, and they will keep increasing the life of your grips. Your grips will look new after using wipes. You do not need to worry about cleaning up because this process is not messy.

With only one wipe, you can clean more than ten golf grips. The packaging of wipes is pretty good. You can reseal the pack after using it. The pack of wipes perfectly fits in any golf bag; you can bring them anywhere. These are very user-friendly and the fastest way to clean the grip.

Soap and warm water

If you like to clean your golf grips economically, use warm water and a grip-cleaning soap. You require only a few items to clean up a rubber golf grip. All golfers recommended that this process be done in a garage, kitchen, or bathroom sink. 

Things you will need

These are the following things we need when cleaning the golf grips with soap and water.

  • A plain plastic bucket or tub
  • Cleaning liquid
  • One old towel
  • One new towel
  • Old nylon brush, toothbrush, or plastic brush

You can also check Grips for Small Hands, Grips for Big Hands & Grips for Arthritic Hands.

Steps to clean the Golf grips

You should follow some steps to change the old golf grips into a new ones. 

Step 1

First, check the grip for any significant problems, such as rips and air bubbles. You have to change it because cleaning cannot fix this damage. 

For the cleanup process, take a plastic bucket or tub and fill it with lukewarm water. Ensure the water is not so warm because it can harm the rubber grip. Now put some cleaning liquid into it.

Step 2

The water should cover the head of the golf grips. Soak the grips for some time to remove any dirt. Also, dip the brush and cloth into the warm water.

Step 3

After a few minutes, take a grip and use any plastic brush or nylon brush to scrub the golf club grip to clean it. Cleansing and removing the dust from the golf grip is the most crucial step. Wash the cloth or brush, ensure it is free from detergent, and clean the grip. 

Step 4

Take another bucket, fill it with clean water and dip the grip. Use a new towel and dry it thoroughly. If you are in a hurry, you can also dry it with a blow dryer. We recommend you dry it with a towel.

Step 5

Pick a household cleaner and spray on the grip if you want to scrub your grip thoroughly after warm water and soap. This cleaner removes dirt and oil and makes the grip almost fresh. It will help you to remove extra dirt.

Golf Related items: Golf Grip Tapes and Golf Rangefinder Holders.


Using the abovementioned strategies, you can make your golf grips new and play more often with them. You can save money by cleaning it regularly. Spending time and money on cleaning will save you significant expenses.

The dirt on your grip makes it slippery if you play golf a lot. If the grips remain hard after cleanup, you must replace the club with a new grip. It’s time to regularly clean your golf courses, prolong their lives, and ensure that your equipment is ready for the highest possible result.